Monday, December 28, 2009

Has anyone made a successful hair-shampoo from homemade soap?

Does any one have any real experiences with making homemade shampoo from homemade soap (I have plenty of sites that discuss it)?

Would like real-one-on-one testimonies.


ErinHas anyone made a successful hair-shampoo from homemade soap?
You can use almost any handcrafted soap in your hair-provided you do not have hard water. If you do--you're going to need a vinegar rinse or your hair will feel like you haven't washed it in a year!Has anyone made a successful hair-shampoo from homemade soap?
Thanks Ladies. Actuallu, I just wanted to hear someone else's personal experience with the actual process of making shampoo from handmade bars of soap. I have been making homemade bath %26amp; body products. Already experienced. Just wanted to see ';how'; others were doing it. Thanks anyway! Report Abuse

I have used Dawn dish soap to clean my two year old son when I was camping. I know if you go to the craft store you can get stuff to make your own soaps.
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