Thursday, December 24, 2009

I shampoo my hair 3 times a week?

I also condition my hair everytime I shampoo. Is this bad? Will conditioning my hair everytime I shampoo damage my hair?

Any help will be most welcomeI shampoo my hair 3 times a week?
yes its gud if u do conditioning after shampooing ur hair......but not three times a week!!.....u should shampoo three times a week but not three times conditioning dear!..........

yu should do deep conditioning once a'll help ur bring ur hair alive.....I shampoo my hair 3 times a week?

First of all you must need to know about your hair. Because few people have secretion of sebum frequently that causes hair damage and make hair look oily .

If you have this condition then only shampoo hair regularly and conditioner can be use twice a week.

Secondly this depends upon your shampoo and conditioner which you are using that usually have written usage, you can follow that instructions either that are good for regular use or twice a week

I use Dove shampoo daily and I do not feel any negative effects till now but I use conditioner twice a week.

The actual thing is whatever you are using that should be suitable for your hairs.

No, it won't harm your hair. I only wash mine about 3x a week... unless you have oily hair, or you work out and get sweaty a lot, you don't need to wash you're hair everyday... it's actually not that great for your hair... it can strip hair of all the essential oils hair produces on it's own that are healthy for your scalp/hair.
you can do the headbath with shampoo once twice in a week is night time ,massage the scalpe with oil and put the shampoo in the morning.and also use some lemon water ,it will work a good conditioner to your hair and also makes your hair shine.bye.
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Look......It's better u shampoo ur hair 3 times......

But check out ur shampoo indigents.......If it contain SSL chemical...then it may harm ur hair.......b'coz SSL is an floor washing chemical ,,,,,

it is used 2 produce more foam so check out........

And u should condition ur hairs only 1 time a week ........
no, it's not bad!

shampooing your hair less is GOOD, because the more you shampoo your hair, it strips the natural oils and it can also damage your hair. 3 times a week is perfect!
of course not. But I would advise you to use a residue cleaning shampoo. It take all the residue out of your hair. Ask your hairdresser about it. It cleans your hair from any residue left in your hair.
Shampoos are like detergents, It is harmful to your skin. Prevent your hair from pollution and dirt there by reduce the usage of shampoos...
no actually conditioning does good to your hair after shamppoing
I Hope it doesnt 'cause i shampoo and condition my hair every day!
only condition it on the ends and shampoo at least 5 times a week
keep doing it and itll fall out thats what happend to the lady down the street now look at her hahaha nah its sexy its better than having greasy *** hair
no its not bad but u should take care that u should not shampoo ur hair more than 3 weeks in a day ...cause it contains very hamfull chemicals!!!!!
No it wont
Twice is ok?

yes........ use two days per weak ok va..........

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