Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hair Straightening Shampoo Neep Help?

Hey everyone, I'm a 15 year old boy. My hair used to go straight down but now my hair bangs are getting wavy for some reason. This is really bothering me. I want my hair bangs to be going straight down again. Can anyone recommend me a good hair straightening shampoo? And where I can get it (maybe at CVS)? Someone please answer this question.Hair Straightening Shampoo Neep Help?
Hair Straightening Shampoos are rip-offs the never work not even a little. with my experience just buy any regular shampoo and BLOW DRY IT! I USED A REQULARE HEAD%26amp;SHOULDERS SHAMPOO and after blow drying it once my hair didn't curl up again. weird. but it worked so i guess the key is just bow drying it so it should work with any ol' shampoo you haveHair Straightening Shampoo Neep Help?
Use Redken smooth down shampoo n conditionaer....after dryign you hair your chi cilk infusion...all these together removeteh frizz inyou har n make it relly osft n fall straight
I recommend the Herbal Essecences.

i use the shampoo, and and the dangorusly shraight spray.

it works great! Just becareful, the spray can make your hair a little greasy if you put to much.

hope this helped!

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